
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) provides support and information on research and scholarship at SIU. More about OVCR...
SIU is a proud member of the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR). See here for more information on UCOWR or check out some of SIU's many aquatic research efforts:
- Aquatic Research Laboratory and Saluki Aquarium
- Department of Forestry Watershed Science Research Group
- Department of Geography and Environmental Resources research projects
- NSF IGERT PhD Program in Watershed Science and Policy
In our Support section you can find the answers that will propel you on the journey you seek in research and scholarship at SIU.
Graduate programs, graduate and undergraduate research, projects sponsored by international and local organizations and companies, patents and startups are within reach at SIU in Carbondale.
Support for Students and Researcher
In our Research section you can find the latest information and results on new discoveries and directions in research at SIU.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching ranks SIUC among the top 5 percent of all U.S. higher education institutions for research. Many of our research studies and scientists have gained national and international attention.
Research Information and News